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Re: [oc] RE: [pci] PCI core ( LICENSING )

Please also note that NOT ALL cores use GPL/LGPL licenses.

Please check the licensing for each core individually as it
is up to the author of each IP core what kind of licensing
system she/he wishes to use.

Best Regards,
www.asics.ws   - Solutions for your ASIC needs -
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On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 16:54, Tadej Markovic wrote:
> Hi!
> We use LGPL license. If you change anything in the core you have downloaded
> (in this case PCI IP Core), you have to report any modifications that you
> have made to the PCI IP Core. But you DO NOT have to give/report anything
> else (other sources/drivers, etc.) that was developed only by your staff.
> LGPL license is only relevant to the I.P. core that you have downloaded from
> OpenCores.
> For example, if you by an ARM core and wish to connect it with a PCI IP Core
> (from OpenCores), you would have to make some changes to the PCI IP Core in
> order to connect to ARM core with AMBA bus. You are only obliged to report
> changes that you have made to the PCI IP Core (as required by LGPL license).
> You are not required to publish ARM core under the LGPL license and besides,
> the ARM corporation WILL NOT ALLOW you to publish it's ARM core.
> It is evident that LGPL license is only applicable to I.P. cores obtained
> from OpenCores.
> I hope this helps.
> Best regards,
> 	Tadej
> NB: I have sent this mail to CORES mailing list also due to frequent
> questions regarding licensing of the I.P. cores.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf
> Of Yanick Côté
> Sent: 2. april 2003 18:52
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: [pci] PCI core
> Hi,
> Is your project protected by any GPL or LGPL license ? If yes, which one
> ? We are strongly interessed in using the PCI core in a new design, but
> I don't know a lot yet about GPL/LGPL licenses and we can't give to
> anyone the other sources from our design. We agree that if we modify the
> PCI core we have to give you a list of the modifications but what about
> the other sources/drivers in the system developed only by our staff ?
> Thanks !
> --
> --------------------------------
>  Yanick Côté
>  Electronics R&D Manager
>  [email protected]

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