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Re: [oc] Ethernet crc32 VHDL anyone?
The first one is code of Generating CRC16;
the second is for verifying
And, it's writen by my classmate-----a beginner
Hmm.....I am working on image processing, I have no knowledge about what you need. Maybe it's useless
----- Original Message -----
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 10:56 PM
Subject: [oc] Ethernet crc32 VHDL anyone?
> Hi!
> I'm currently working on design of 10/100Mb Ethernet MAC and need
> some quick help. Can anyone direct me to relevant vhdl code (or
> schematic design) for implementing the crc32 check.
> Data will be input to the entity in 4 bit nibbles (as MII describes).
> I've been searching the web and books and seem to get different info on
> what poly is used etc.
> I'm an absolute beginner so i'm having difficulty trying to work it out the
> math for myself and appreciate and help or direction. I'm also short on
> time and need to get this working within a week or so.
> Thanking you
> Deepak
> --
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