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Re: [oc] Ethernet crc32 VHDL anyone?

This one is good, never see it before .


>From: Colin Marquardt <[email protected]>
>Reply-To: [email protected]
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: Re: [oc] Ethernet crc32 VHDL anyone?
>Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 15:02:53 +0200
>[email protected] writes:
> > I'm currently working on design of 10/100Mb Ethernet MAC and need
> > some quick help. Can anyone direct me to relevant vhdl code (or
> > schematic design) for implementing the crc32 check.
>See http://www.easics.be/webtools/crctool
>In case this is a homework assignment, it also is the task of the
>lecturer to employ some methods to check if the student had own input
>in the solution.
>   Colin
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