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Re: [oc] Verilog coding style for Open Cores-RTL - Case in pointSHA1
Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz wrote:
> I am used to do FPGA hardware design with Verilog and VHDL, and I can't
> see why Verilog is so better than VHDL. In fact, I see advantages and
> disadvantages in both sides, so, why Verilog is still dominant?
On purely technical merits, and based on what you want to do (simulation model
RTL-model for synthesis, GTL representation etc) each language have ther pros
and cons. And it is more or less a moot point to try and analyze why Verilog
dominates on purely technical merits. Instead it's IMHO things like:
* Historical. Verilog took off early as a design language. Companies like
Intel, Cisco, Nortel etc all have built up huge data bases with cores and
designs based on Verilog. Also these companies have huge setups/design flows
and experience based on Verilog. All these means that you don't switch unless
there are very compelling reasons. I.e. lots of money to be made. Instead
these companies keep investing in Verilog.
* Geographical. Most EDA tool vendors are based in the USA. Most ASIC/FPGA and
EDA engineers in the USA use Verilog. For this reason, the Verilog version of
tools are usually released first and have fewer bugs than the VHDL version.
* Market share. VHDL is generally found in academia, in Europe (but note that
Verilog is very strong in Europe too) and for FPGA designs. For EDA vendors
this means that the potential revenue for developing a VHDL version is quite
slim. This is the main reason why Aart De Geus claimed that VHDL is dead.
This all means that VHDL does not have industry support, neither from the
major users and the major vendors. That's why Verilog is dominant and will
continue to be.
Med v�nlig h�lsning, Yours
Joachim Str�mbergson - Alltid i harmonisk sv�ngning.
VP, Research & Development
InformAsic AB / Hugo Grauers gata 5B / SE-411 33 G�TEBORG / Sweden
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