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Re: [oc] Verilog coding style for Open Cores-RTL - Case in pointSHA1

On Wed, 21 May 2003, [ISO-8859-1] Joachim Str�mbergson wrote:

> Aloha!
> Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz wrote:
> > I am used to do FPGA hardware design with Verilog and VHDL, and I can't
> > see why Verilog is so better than VHDL. In fact, I see advantages and
> > disadvantages in both sides, so, why Verilog is still dominant?
> On purely technical merits, and based on what you want to do (simulation model 
> RTL-model for synthesis, GTL representation etc) each language have ther pros 
> and cons. And it is more or less a moot point to try and analyze why Verilog 
> dominates on purely technical merits. Instead it's IMHO things like:
> * Historical. Verilog took off early as a design language. Companies like 
> Intel, Cisco, Nortel etc all have built up huge data bases with cores and 
> designs based on Verilog. Also these companies have huge setups/design flows 
> and experience based on Verilog. All these means that you don't switch unless 
> there are very compelling reasons. I.e. lots of money to be made. Instead 
> these companies keep investing in Verilog.
> * Geographical. Most EDA tool vendors are based in the USA. Most ASIC/FPGA and 
> EDA engineers in the USA use Verilog. For this reason, the Verilog version of 
> tools are usually released first and have fewer bugs than the VHDL version.
> * Market share. VHDL is generally found in academia, in Europe (but note that 
> Verilog is very strong in Europe too) and for FPGA designs. For EDA vendors 
> this means that the potential revenue for developing a VHDL version is quite 
> slim. This is the main reason why Aart De Geus claimed that VHDL is dead.
> This all means that VHDL does not have industry support, neither from the 
> major users and the major vendors. That's why Verilog is dominant and will 
> continue to be.

Ok!!! Now I understang, technically there is an equivalence. But
historical reasons are much stronger then technical ones!
Thank you very much for your clarifications, now I see what is the basis
for Aart De Geus speech, and it makes sense (but I still don't like the
idea of abandoning VHDL, hehe).
But if, among the software history, there were a lot of language changes
(Basic, Pascal, C, C++, Java, and others), is really that unfeasible an
industry HDL change?

Best wishes,
Marco Antonio

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