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Re: [oc] Verilog coding style for Open Cores-RTL - Case in point SHA1
>>I dont agree that Verilog is dominant everywhere. 100% of the companies
>>and Universities in my area uses VHDL. There are no Verilog seminars and
>>all the tools that the EDA vendors offer are for VHDL design.
>Which planet do you live on? ;-)
>In academia I see basically only VHDL. In industry, especially smaller
>companies doing FPGAs quite a few (I would even say most of them) in
>Sweden use VHDL. But VHDL only tools? Which ones? Synopsys? Cadence?
>Mentor? Magma? Synplicity?
Yes, what i want to say is that when an EDA vendor comes to sell us tools
always offers tools that works with VHDL. I am not saying that those tools
not support Verilog. For example, with Xilinx ISE is available the XST
synthesizer, one version for VHDL and another for Verilog either with
Modelsim. The seminars that Insight,Avnet or Mentor do here are focused on
the VHDL design or simulation capabilities of those tools, only because is
the most popular in this area.
>These vendors all offer either both Verilog and VHDL *or* Verilog only. I
>know of one or two smaller, European based EDA-companies (spin off from
>academia) that started with VHDL. But the ones I know about are developing
>Verilog support now. Why? Look at the numbers, that's where the money is.
>Also about Europe vs USA. Europe is not 100% VHDL or anything. There are
>huge number of designs done in Verilog here too. Esp for telecom
>(switching) and datacom - and more ASICs that FPGAs. I wouldn't even bet
>that VHDL by sheer numbers is more common in the European industry than
Yes, I agree. In the last design we have done one Core was written in
Verilog and the rest in VHDL.
>VHDL might very well dominate in academia, but there is no money to be
>made in academia for the EDA vendors. It's the industry that counts. The
>biggest EDA-market is the US followed by Asia. The US and Asia are Verilog
Obviously industry is the most important client for EDA vendors, but must
be know that the progression into new tools, languages and methodologies
that finally EDA vendors sell to the industry have been developed into the
academia and scientific world. An in that world VHDL not seems to be dead.
Armando Astarloa Cu�llar - Universidad del Pais Vasco UPV/EHU
Tecnolog�a Electr�nica
Departamento de Electr�nica y Telecomunicaciones
Escuela Superior de Ingenieros - Email: [email protected]
Ald. de Urquijo s/n Tel.: 34 - 94 - 601 73 04
48013 BILBAO (SPAIN) Fax.: 34 - 94 - 601 42 59
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