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RE: [oc] VHDL Help...

Yes, synthesizers dont like math.real. Ive run into the exact same problem when trying to write code which is easy to maintain and which adapt well to varying data sizes. I made a package with this small code snippet. Its debatable what ceil_log2(0) should be. Ive set it to 1, but in mathematical terms its undefined, so chose what you find fits your purpose

  function ceil_log2 (a : integer) RETURN integer is
    assert a>=0 report "Illegal argument to ceil_log2" severity failure; 
	-- ...some synthesizers dont like asserts either, so comment this out or enclose in conditionals   
    if (a < 0) then 
	return 0;             -- 0 or whatever to signal that you are out of bounds
    elsif (a = 0) then return 1;-- hmm. maybe should we boom out with an error here also
      for j in 1 to a loop -- but this is good..
        if (2**j >= a) then
          return j;
        end if;
      end loop;
    end if;
  end ceil_log2;

henning larsen
Risoe National Laboratory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Silcox [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: 9. juni 2003 00:55
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: [oc] VHDL Help...
> I've tried to do this exact "trick"...
> When you try to synthesize this entity it will fail...
> IEEE.MATH_REAL is not implemented in most synthesis
> tools and thus the CEIL and LOG2 functions will not
> be found...
> I figured the synthesis tool would evaluated the
> expression first and when it realized it was a constant
> it wouldn't need a synthesizable model of the MATH_REAL
> functions, but that was not the case...
> If anyone does create a synthesizable version of this,
> please e-mail it too me...
> Thanks,
> ---
> Jason Silcox
> --- Shehryar Shaheen <[email protected]> wrote:
> > Try this
> > 
> > USE IEEE.MATH_REAL.ALL;                   <-- Add this package
> > 
> > ENTITY mux IS
> > GENERIC( size_data : integer := 8 );
> > PORT(
> >            data : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(size_data-1 downto 0);
> >            sel  : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(integer(ceil(log2(real(
> > size_data)))) downto 0);   <-- Put this line in place
> >            result : OUT STD_LOGIC
> >         );
> > END mux;
> > 
> > This should work if your compiler is VHDL93 compliant
> > in case you are using modelsim complie it with these switches
> > 
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