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Re: [oc] linux xilinx webpack programming

>>>>> "amir" == amir helzer <[email protected]> writes:

    amir> Hi John, I'm using RH9.  I installed wine-20030508, and ran the
    amir> ISE5.1 install. This went OK.  After install I setup the Xilinx
    amir> environment variables tried running: wine c/Xilinx/bin/nt/ise.exe

    amir> The machine setup things for wine, and complained about a lot of
    amir> unhanded wine bugs, but then it just hang. wine doesn't start any
    amir> other job from that moment and the computer needs to be reboot for
    amir> wine to start functioning again (I just tested it on their notepad
    amir> example).

Did you try "killall wine" on the console? It should help.

Also at present you need CVS wine form www.winehq.com or from one of the daily
wine builds, to get ISE to work with the other tools.
You need wine to emulate nt or win2k or winxp. Also use the corresponding
native MSVCRT.DLL.

    amir> Do you have any clue as to what may be the cause of this? 
"Windows" = "nt40"
"msvcrt"       = "native, builtin"

Please, don't fullquote the text below (TOFU)

Uwe Bonnes                [email protected]

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