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Re: [oc] Opencores Front Page
I agree lets do it in the future as you suggested. I worked on some that
were published so far. I don't feel like going to change those since they
were already published for quite some time now, not to mention I don't feel
like bothering again the authors as I already told them originally the
documents they wrote are fine and I don't want to ask for changes weeks
after being published.
For those that post bullshit on slasdot, perhaps they do it because we
stepped on some toes. Kind of it might mean it actually makes some
difference what we are doing. Perhaps this has something to do with
occasional denial of service attacks.
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Dalton" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 6:57 PM
Subject: [oc] Opencores Front Page
> I've just been engaged in a brief discussion on Slashdot,
> refuting a claim that OpenCores is an industry front. The
> poster accused the site of just being a bunch of links to
> advertise proprietory products.
> That got me thinking that the complainant may have been
> confused by some of the 'success story' links in the 'news'
> section of the front page. (eg. three of the five
> current news items refer or link to external companies).
> It is is a good thing that OpenCores has these
> success stories and is letting others know about it.
> At the same time, perhaps we need to be careful that the names of
> the companies involved do not overshadow the opencores
> name? Perhaps 'success stories' should make sure OpenCores
> and the list of cores used gets higher billing then the company
> name?
> An example might be:
> The <a href="http://www.opencores.org/projects/or1k/">OR1200</a>, <a
> href="http://www.opencores.org/projects/uart16550/">UART</a> and <a
> href="http://www.opencores.org/projects/ddr_sdr/">Memory Controller</a>
> OpenCores have been successfully applied by XYZ Corporation. Read <a
> href="http://Link_to_more_info">more about it.</a>.
> It's a subtle difference, but it places the emphasis on OpenCores
> rather than company XYZ. In (English) grammatical terms, it means
> making OpenCores the subject of the sentence rather than the predicate.
> If stored on the opencores site (where we have control over the
> document), perhaps case studies should also have the opencores
> logo in the most prominant spot? As it is, when the user
> opens the two PDF files currently being used as success stories,
> they get hit immediately with the logo of the company concerned.
> Opencores isn't mentioned until well into the text of the article.
> I'm not saying the company's logo should be removed, as they
> deserve credit for using opencores. Rather I'm just saying
> OpenCores should get at least equal billing. Success stories
> should be an ad fro OpenCores as well as the company.
> These suggestions are not meant to be negative criticism of
> those who write 'success stories'. Rather, they are meant
> to highlight criticisms which others have made to me. As
> such I hope this email will be helpful.
> On a slightly different topic, I have also noticed some strident
> criticsim of OpenCores on Slashdot, with little or no factual basis.
> (Hint: Do a search on slashdot for the term 'OpenSores'.)
> Either I am paranoid, or there are those out there actively working
> to sully OpenCores' name. Perhaps eveyone should keep an eye
> out for such postings in all public forums, and post refuting
> messages wherever possible? If every false posting is accompanied
> by a refutal, it should stop such 'FUD' in its tracks. If
> such criticism addresses a valid point, maybe pass the criticism
> bask to this forum so the problem can be addressed and corrected?
> Best wishes
> John
> --
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