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Re: [oc] Opencores Front Page
On 0, John Dalton <[email protected]> wrote:
---- snipped ----
> On a slightly different topic, I have also noticed some strident
> criticsim of OpenCores on Slashdot, with little or no factual basis.
> (Hint: Do a search on slashdot for the term 'OpenSores'.)
> Either I am paranoid, or there are those out there actively working
> to sully OpenCores' name. Perhaps eveyone should keep an eye
> out for such postings in all public forums, and post refuting
> messages wherever possible? If every false posting is accompanied
> by a refutal, it should stop such 'FUD' in its tracks. If
> such criticism addresses a valid point, maybe pass the criticism
> bask to this forum so the problem can be addressed and corrected?
>From what I've seen, OpenCores is doing a wonderfull job of making
open IP projects available, and providing a forum for those wishing to
collaborate. There are almost always people who are going to be
critical for some reason or other. Sure, respond to individual cases
if you want. It hurts to see harsh criticism, especially when the
poster is obviously ignorant. But be carefull about getting draw into
a FUD war. The best way to respond to something like this, especially
if the FUD is coming from commercial sources afraid of the competitive
threat of OC, is to continue using the resources availble to keep
producing quality technical work. Let the companies yell all they
want, if OC offers the better technical solution in the end it won't
make any difference. Open projects have been winning consistently in
the technical arena. However, fighting a marketing war against an
established company with a large marking budget, I'm not sure that
would work.
If you're looking to improve the image of OpenCores maybe a couple of
positive articles would serve better than fighting on the message
boards. Trying to carry out an intelligent exchange on slashdot is
unfortunately rarely achievable. Getting positive information in the
hands of people able to use it, I think that might be a lot more
productive. Let the angry little kids post their conspiracy theories
and accusations. The truth always comes out when a project is run in
an open manner, and those whose opinions really matter normally
understand that. Keep up the great work!! And don't let a group of
infantiles ruffle your feathers.
Part of their concern may come from the survey that comes up when
trying to download info. That suvey does seem pretty invasive at
times. And the question about being contacted by companies working
in the field could rub a lot of people the wrong way. I understand
the motivation I think, but it does set off flags with many people.
Especially if they don't realize the survey is optional.
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