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Re: [openrisc] ORP_SOC RTL Regression

Hi Michael,

you might want to update the environment from the cvs. Actually what I'd
recommend is to do fresh checkout from the cvs.


----- Original Message -----
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:58 PM

> HI,
> I am trying to reproduce your orp_soc rtl regression and running into
> problems. According to the forum, I understand you did re-run the whole
> regression. If you could shed some lights, I really appreciate it.
> Here are some questions I have:
> 1- How to use or1k/orp/orp_soc/sim/bin/run_rtl_regression script.

Just go to or1k/orp/orp_soc/sim/run and do ../bin/run_rtl_regression

> 2- Which test suit to use for simpletests and complextests.

They are listed already in the script file.

> 3- How to know the run time for each test.

You don't have to. Those listed in the script are OK. But if you change
them, a test will fail if there is not enough time. Of course you need to
know if it failed because you reduced amount of time or because something
else is broken. Time is only used as a deadline - in other words every test
runs certain amount of time that is different what the time set in the
script is - that time is only used to terminate the test if it becomes a
runaway test.

> 4- Is there a new golden regresion environment to verify the orp_soc.

Latest is in the cvs.

> 5- Is there a new golden script to run the regression.

Latest is in the cvs.

I can have a look if all tests are enabled and see if regression works ok
(because it is not run automatically I need to check now and then that it
still works - mainly due to the fact that some IPs in the ORP_SOC are
updated automatically via cvs links to other IPs (for example Ethernet MAC
and UART16550).


> Your answers will be really valuable and appreciated.
> Thank you in advance
> Mike PHan

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