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[oc] Re: Inquiry

On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 12:14:42PM +1000, John Dalton wrote:
> a) Opencores becomes part of the Debian project.  Debian have
>    lots of resources which could benefit Opencores:
>    Packaging, Bug tracking, world wide mirroring, GPG key
>    network, quality assurance program.

Debian makes an operating system, Opencores makes cores.  I don't see
much usefulness in merging the projects.

> b) Alternatively, opencores stays as it is, but the 'best of
>    opencores' gets packaged up and submitted to Debian.
>    (along with the 'best of' gEDA and so on)

Same as for a), I don't see much usefulness in packaging cores.  As far
as the operating system goes, they are just "data" (neither programs or
libraries nor used by them).  There are a bunch of data only packages
(non-technical FAQs, net magazines), but there's resistance against more
of such packages.  Debian packages an OS+applications, not the Internet.

As for design software, that is of course worthy of packaging.  The
available gEDA tools are in fact already in Debian.  If there is
some free software missing, submit a Request For Package and someone
might take it (I might, I'm a Debian Developer).

Something that would make more sense to think about is getting under the
umbrella of Software in the Public Interest ( http://www.spi-inc.org/ )
under which Debian also operates.

Andreas Bombe <[email protected]>    DSA key 0x04880A44
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