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Re: [oc] Inquiry

John Dalton wrote:
> a) Opencores becomes part of the Debian project.  Debian have
>    lots of resources which could benefit Opencores:
>    Packaging, Bug tracking, world wide mirroring, GPG key
>    network, quality assurance program.  Be aware that Debian
>    is very strict on insisting that all parts of the Debian
>    project must satisfy their free software guidelines
>    and social contract (http://www.debian.org/social_contract.html),
>    which allows both GPL and BSD style licenses.

Rather than try to become part of Debian, I think that making use of 
their QA software would be a more reasonable goal. As Andreas mentioned, 
  packaging the cores in Debian wouldn't be a very good logical fit, but 
a lot of Debian's methods are applicable to OpenCores. That would also 
ensure that people looking for OpenCores-specific bugs wouldn't get lost 
among all of the non-core-related areas of Debian.

Charles Lepple <[email protected]>

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